Argus Notification e-mail subject

Jeff Weisberg jaw+arguslist at
Wed Feb 18 16:00:35 EST 2004

| Getting some user feedback now and it's been suggested to change the 
| notification email subject from "argus" to a brief description of the 
| issue.  This would allow users to quickly pick out the most important 
| issue if they were to find numerous notifications in their inbox.
| I've checked through 'argus -D' and looked through the code but neither 
| have helped me identify where the email subject is set.
| Am I missing a simple entry in the config file or could someone direct 
| me to where in the code the subject is set?

to do that, just create a new notification method, if is named
"mail" it will replace the built-in definition.

    Method "mail" {
    	command:	/usr/sbin/sendmail -t
    	send:		To: %R\nFrom: %F\nSubject: Argus%E\n\n%M\n


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