sendnotify vs sendnotify2

Jeremy Kister argus-01 at
Mon Sep 20 01:57:12 EDT 2004

I'm confused about why I was not send a notification when Argus detected a
particular service down.

I can assume the problem is related to what sendnotify2 can do, that
sendnotify can not.
docs say sendnotify is for objects, and sendnotify2 is for services.  in the
end, arent services objects ?

the following config did not send a notify when the SNMP service failed.
Group "Upstream" {
   sendnotify: no
   Group "Sprint OC3" {
      Service UDP/SNMP {
         sendnotify: yes
         overridable:    no
         hostname:   man-core-12000-01
         label:      BGP
         minvalue:   6
         oid:     .

would 'sendnotify2: yes' have worked instead of 'sendnotify: yes' ?

Jeremy Kister

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