Graphing Help

Jeff Weisberg jaw+arguslist at
Tue Apr 5 20:59:08 EDT 2005

|     At some point I seem to have completely lost graphing on my system. 
| I have no idea what triggered it, nor do I know how to fix it..
|     I've checked through the argus log, and my httpd error logs and I
| see nothing wrong.  The graph data is being updated, but none of the
| graphs are being created correctly.  Can someone point me in the right
| direction as to what I should be checking?  I would really love to put
| the cgi into some sort of debug mode and *see* what's going on ...

do the web pages have broken image icons?
do the web pages have the area where graphs would normally be?
(view source, do you see 'start of web graphs')

did configure detect GD? (cat $libdir/


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