Changing the contents of the Message and Subject?

Steve sd at
Tue Dec 6 20:05:34 EST 2005

Could someone please post some examples of using % sequences in the 
message text?
and in the message text (message{up,dn}) some additional sequences can 
be used:
*%i* - the notification id number (3.3)
*%o{param}* - the value of the specified object parameter at message 
creation time (3.3)
*%p* - the priority (set with the 'priority' parameter) (3.3)
*%r* - the reason the object went down
*%s* - the object state (up or down) (3.3)
*%t* - the notification creation time (3.3)
*%t{format}* - the notification creation time, using the given strftime 
format (3.3)
*%v* - the value returned by the test
*%y* - the severity level (set with the 'severity' parameter) (3.3)
*%z* - the timezone used for the above time (3.3)

And also the object parameter for modifying the subject:
*%O{param}* - the current value of the specified object parameter (3.3)

I've read every post in the mail archives and tried everything I've seen 
without much luck.



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