Notifications problem.

Jeff Weisberg jaw+arguslist at
Fri Jun 3 00:12:02 EDT 2005

| Don't quote me, but I believe you need a send: line...    For your
| example, it looks like you want this :

not necessarily.  'command' is the command to run, 'send'
is sent to it on stdin. some programs want input on stdin,
some don't. some want command line parameters, some don't.

| Method "CorreoElectronico" {
|    command: /home/comunica/
|    send: %O %S %T{"%T %d/%m/%Y"} %R
| }
| It also may be the brackets you use in the command ...  Try using []
| instead of {}

no, the {}s are the correct syntax for %T


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