sjk sjk at
Tue Jun 13 13:14:26 EDT 2006

I'm a bit confused by the use of acls in argus. . . I have a problem where 
staff is overriding things they shouldn't and want to limit access - they need 
to be able to ack, though. Here's what I've tried:

Group "Network Servers" {
          acl_override: -user -staff noc
          nolotsmsgs: yes
          sendnotify: yes
          depends: Top: {dependencies . . . }

          Group "Domain Name Servers" {
                  frequency: 120
                  retries: 2

  		. . . . . . .


I've also tried a varity of other things, but can't seem to get the acl to take 
effect. Do I have to build extended acls for every group object and specify all 
access levels? Is there a simple way to apply an acl set to all groups? I have 
several hundred objects . . . so I don't want to make this too complicated.


Steven Kent
onShore Networks
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