DARP settings

Andrei Raileanu andrei_lr at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 23 09:24:04 EDT 2008

I have Argus running on a large data center. I thought it would be much more easy for the monitoring system to use DARP. I tried to use DARP with a simple config, but Argus ignores the settings related to DARP master/slave systems: 
ERROR: in file '/usr/local/argus/var/config' on line 24 - Huh? This does not look like a vaild config entry: 'DARP "master0" {' 
This is the DARP entry from the config file: 
DARP "master0" { 
            # parameters common to all 
            # slaves can appear up here 
            slave "slave1" { 
                secret:         passwd01 
            slave "slave2" { 
                secret:         passwd02 
I am using perl version 5.8.0/5.8.5 and I have tested Argus dev-20080721 and 3.5. 
What causes this error? 


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