"check_now" link, statistics?

Jeff Weisberg jaw+arguslist at tcp4me.com
Mon May 19 20:33:23 EDT 2008

| I ran argusctl hup, and saw "must fail" come up "green" (since it hadn't run
| yet). I clicked down to the Service Prog object and then clicked
| "check_now". It refreshed, but still came back green. Is "check_now"
| supposed to force the argus daemon to recheck the service, or just reload
| the page?

it causes argus to retest the service (once).

depending on the value of the 'retries' parameter,
one failed test may not be enough for argus to declare
the service down.

| Also the statistics seem to be incorrect, after it ran the test and came up
| red it says 100% up, 0% down,

argus does not update these numbers each time the web page
reloads, only when something "interesting" happens.

the most recent "interesting" thing was when it went down,
up to which point it had been up for 100% of the time.

| and no times run. And in fact none of my
| regular, non-test entries show the total number of times run, they are
| always blank.

argus does not keep track of, or report on, the number of times a test runs.

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