Monitoring a CVS server

Jeff Weisberg jaw+arguslist at
Thu Dec 4 14:26:29 EST 2003

| When I add the Service Prog though
| 		  Host "cvs" {
| 			  hostname:
| 			  Service Ping
| 			  Service Prog {
| 			    command: cvs -d
| :pserver:build:secret at version
| 			    expect:^Server: Concurrent Versions System
| 			    debug: yes
| 			  }
| 		  }
| cvs is marked as Down, and in the httpd errror_log I see 
| [...]

if you check argus's error log (click 'Error Log') you will probably
see errors. you need a space after 'expect:'

| 			    expect:^Server: Concurrent Versions System
                                   | add space here.

| Any suggestions why this is failing? Oh, and what does the debug: yes
| option do? I see no extra logging anywhere.

the debugging info gets set to syslog.
make sure argus is configured to use syslog (your config
should have something like:)
	syslog: daemon
and look where ever your system puts syslog files

if syslog is not enabled, you can also get the debugging info
via argusctl, run:
	argusctl -k console


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