override being ignored

Matt Hess mhess at livewirenet.com
Wed Nov 3 06:51:21 EST 2004

I'm having a problem with overrides - they are being completely ignored 
by argus.
I try placing an override on a host or service and sometimes it will 
work fine but as of late it would appear that multiple up/downs of a 
monitored (via ping) host/router on a qwest curcuit causes the override 
to be completely ignored.. email alerts still go out.. even with autoack 
on.. it's insane because we end up just being flooded by one host having 
packetloss problems or other qwest-induced issues..

Is there anything I can do about this? I'm dying here - especially when 
it sends to my cell phone over and over and over and over in the 
freaking dead of night and I'm helpless to stop it except by turning 
argus off!

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