How to do a "command" service

John Buttery johnb+argus at
Wed Aug 15 17:22:23 EDT 2007

  I was wondering if anybody could elaborate on the ability of Argus to 
alert based on the exitstatus of a command.  I have this block:

Service Prog {
  ## Monitor MySQL replication slave
  label: repslave
  info: MySQL replication slave
  uname: repslave
  command: /usr/local/bin/checkslave -m 0 db_machine
  ## Can use expect, but the script already exits nonzero
  ## if the slave is too far behind or down, so let's
  ## just use that and keep it simple
  ## OK, maybe not, looks like exitstatus doesn't work
  expect: ^SC is 0$

  This config works, but I thought it'd be a little simpler to just act 
on the exitstatus.  Unfortunately, it's not working the way I expected.  
If I comment out the "expect" line, the service never 
goes "down"...even when I forcibly make the script exit "1".
  What's the correct syntax for a block that basically says "run this 
command, and alert if the exitstatus is nonzero"?

John Buttery <johnb at>
System Administrator
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