quation notifys

Jeff Weisberg jaw+arguslist at tcp4me.com
Tue Jan 9 11:30:29 EST 2007

| Now my question is if there's a standard maxvalue within argus that
| overrides my maxvalue in the config file. When it isn't, why dus it give the
| emq service up?

I do not see anything obviously wrong with your config.

if you click on the debugging page for this service
you will see
	'test::maxvalue' will be the value argus is
	using for the maxvalue test, and

	'test::currvalue' will be the value argus got
	from your program.

you can also change your config to enable debugging

                Service Prog {
			debug:		yes
                        command:        /root/remotescripts/exim.nieuwstats@"ip"

and watch your syslog to see what is happening.

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