DARP Problems?

Andy derfley at gmail.com
Mon Dec 15 05:43:58 EST 2008

I'm just trying to test DARP mode in a very simple setup, and I am getting
the following error in the logs

"master machine error"  WARNING: in file '/var/argus/config' on line 15 -
additional data not permitted here (ignored)

"slave machine error" WARNING: in file '/var/argus/config' on line 13 -
additional data not permitted here (ignored)

No firewall between the two machines, no iptables rules either, configs
included below just in case I'm missing something blindingly obvious?

Is DARP mode still only available when you purchase support?

Master config

icon:           /arguscss/smile.gif
icon_down:      /arguscss/sadred.gif
style_sheet:    /arguscss/argus.css
javascript:     /arguscss/argus.js

Method "isg_mail" {
        command:        sendmail -t
        send: From: argus at radon.example.com\nTo: isg at example.com \nSubject:
Argus %O %S\n \n%M %T %C \n\n\n

darp_mode: failover

DARP "master1" {

        slave "slave1" {
                secret: testing

Group "Darp Slaves" {
        Service DARP/WATCH/slave1

  Group "Argus" {
        graph: yes
        Service Self/idle {
            title:  Percent Idle
            calc:   ave-rate
            scale:  0.01
            # let someone know when it is time to upgrade h/w
            minvalue:  20
            messagedn: time to buy faster server

        Service Self/tested {
            title:  Monitoring Rate
            ylabel: tests per second
            calc:   ave-rate

        Service Prog {
            # how much memory is argus using?
            # your ps may be different
            command:        ps -p $ARGUS_PID -o vsz | tail -1
            uname:          VSZ
            title:          Memory Use
            ylabel:         kBytes

Group   "Special Monitor" {
        notify: isg_mail:
        renotify:       1200
        overridable:    yes
        messagedn:      %i %r %s %t %o
        Include "/var/argus/special"

output of argusctl status on master

ARGUS/2.0 200 OK
status:    running
version:   3.5
osinfo:    Linux i686
darpmode:  master
objects:   56
services:  28
notifies:  2
uptime:    0:01:42
idle:      99.21%
monrate:   0.44 tests per second

Slave config

icon:           /arguscss/smile.gif
icon_down:      /arguscss/sadred.gif
style_sheet:    /arguscss/argus.css
javascript:     /arguscss/argus.js

Method "isg_mail" {
        command:        sendmail -t
        send: From: argus at radon.example.com\nTo: isg at example.com \nSubject:
Argus %O %S\n \n%M %T %C \n\n\n

darp_mode:      failover

DARP "slave1" {

        master "master1" {
                secret:         testing

output of argusctl status on slave

ARGUS/2.0 200 OK
status:    running
version:   3.5
osinfo:    Linux i686
darpmode:  slave
objects:   2
services:  1
notifies:  0
uptime:    0:02:10
idle:      99.90%
monrate:   0.01 tests per second

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