Upgrade works with one issue.

Jeremy Kister argus-02 at jeremykister.com
Tue Jun 24 09:47:50 EDT 2008

On 6/24/2008 7:33 AM, Charles Tweedy wrote:
 > to be were the issue is. What happens is that I do not see the smiley
> icon, background, siren, and no speaker icon. Is this a style sheet

Those things need to be copied manually from the misc directory.

assuming your webfolder for argus is /home/www/argus.example.com/

cd argus-* # the argus source code dir
cp misc/*.gif /home/www/argus.example.com/images/
cp misc/*.wav /home/www/argus.example.com/sounds/
cp misc/*.css /home/www/argus.example.com/
cp misc/*.js /home/www/argus.example.com/

then in your argus config:
sirensong:      /sounds/whoopwhoop.wav
bkgimage:       /images/argus.logo.gif
icon:           /images/smile.gif
icon_down:      /images/sadred.gif
nospkr_icon:    /images/nospkr.gif
style_sheet:    /argus.css
javascript:     /argus.js


Jeremy Kister

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