Problem with Cron and notifyalso

Keith Laurien klaurien at
Wed Feb 21 03:00:26 EST 2007

Hi All,

I'm trying to set Argus, ideally, to ALSO send an email to a different
address if something goes down
outside business hours.  I then will redirect that email to an email to sms
service that
sends it to a mobile phone...

My base configuration for this (in testing mode) is as follows


notify: mail:klaurien at

Group "Testing" {
  autoack: yes

  Host "KeithTest" {
      Service TCP {
        port: 21
        info: FTP
        label: FTP


This works like a charm just auto ack'ing and sending one email.
What I figured I could do was change it to add some cron jobs to set the
"notifyalso" param

Group "Testing" {
  autoack: yes
    #set the additional email on at 6pm
    cron "59 17 * * * 1,2,3,4,5" {
                  func:        setparam
                  param:       notifyalso
                  value:       mail:paging at
    #turn off additional email at 8am
    cron "01 08 * * * 1,2,3,4,5" {
                  func:        setparam
                  param:       notifyalso

  Host "KeithTest" {
      Service TCP {
        port: 21
        info: FTP
        label: FTP

However, it doesn't seem to want to work for me.
I've also tried using various "argusctl setparam" type entries, also to no
Any kick in the right direction here would be very much appreciated.

Thanks, Keith

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